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Beacon Evangelical Church

Beacon Evangelical Free Church has applied to the Galloway Township Planning Board for preliminary and final major site plan approval and c” variance relief for maximum site coverage and any and all other variances or waivers the Board may reasonably require in the exercise of its discretion, and without further public notice, in order to allow the undersigned applicant to construct, establish and maintain an approximately 10,525 square foot two-story addition to the existing Beacon Evangelical Free Church for administrative offices, classrooms, meeting space and food services related to church functions, as well as an outdoor courtyard and play area and related site improvements, including drainage facilities, sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, accessory parking and identification signage on property shown as Lot 9 in Block 982 on the Galloway Township Tax Map, which property is located at 420 Sixth Avenue.

Due to the pending national and state emergencies because of the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-11 and 12, a public hearing on the above-mentioned application which is the subject of this notice has been scheduled for an online, virtual public hearing to be held on the Zoom meeting platform on May 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. 

The public hearing will be held telephonically and online only.  Any interested party (as defined by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4) will have an opportunity to be heard and join the online meeting at the date and time indicated above by accessing the Zoom meeting site and following the instructions at:


Meeting ID: 878 8781 6917

Password: 431978

You may also participate telephonically by calling 1 (929) 205-6099 and entering the following code: Meeting ID: 878 8781 6917, Password: 431978 at the date and time indicated above.

In addition, the filed application for development concerning this application, all of the exhibits which will be relied upon at the hearing, together with the Planning Board consultant reports will be available for inspection ten (10) days in advance of the hearing date by following this link:


Members of the public interested in asking questions or providing comments concerning the application can do so in advance of the hearing by sending an email to kdavis@npdlaw.com.  The applicant will make all reasonable efforts to respond to inquiries from the public in advance of the meeting.  There will be a portion of the online, telephonic public hearing dedicated to public comment where any interested member of the public will have an opportunity to be heard.  During the Zoom hearing if you want to speak during this public portion, please press *6 to unmute and *9 to raise your hand to be recognized.

Additional questions or to make other arrangements for inspection of the application on file or to ask questions about participation in the public hearing online or telephonically should be directed to Galloway Township by calling (609) 652-3700, extension 218, during regular business hours.

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